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BYFO Cheerleading

BYFO Cheerleading is more than just saying a couple of cheers on the sidelines during a football game. It is more than cartwheels and stunts.   We strive for each cheerleader to build confidence,  learn how to talk in front of a crowd,  gain responsibility, be supportive and positive for others , along with building great friendships while being active.  We want each child to have a great experience through the season while learning to live a healthy lifestyle. 

Price for the Fall 2016 Cheerleading Season 

$170 Early Bird Registration (anyone registered before July 1st 2016)

$200 Registration Fee (anyone registered from July  1st - August 27th 2016)

What to expect through out the season

- Practice at 2-3 Days a Week with Saturday games

- Game Locations vary each week

- We participate in the BHS homecoming parade

-  1 to 2 Fundraisers a season

- Parents/Guardians will be REQUIRED to work a concession stand shift

Coaches are volunteers but ALL must pass a background check and Coaches training.  If you are interested in helping out in anyway please contact Jennifer at [email protected]

We have several different options when signing up for the Fall season.  Registration included full uniform, bow, pom poms, and shoes. 

- Each cheerleader will be assigned to cheer with their age group unless they have a sibling playing football that they would like to cheer for (this must be documented at the time of registration) 

- There is also an option to sign up for our competition team.  This is optional!  This means that they will cheer at the games with their competition team and be assigned to a football team that may not be their exact age group (but will be close in age) Please note that there is a NON-REFUNDABLE $45 fee to participate in competition .

If you have interest in participating in competition make sure to read the new competition rules that are posted in the registration form.   

Jamberry Fundraiser Link

Fall 2016 Cheerleading Registration

Cheer Registration and Breakdown

Cheerleading is $220.  Camp is $25
Cheerleading Registration Breakdown:
Uniform cost-$125.00
Coaching equipment and supplies -$10.00
Insurance- $10.00
Administration fees -$10.00
Coaches certification and training - $15.00

Late Fee = $50